Softwares for Seismic Data Processing

   Software ANALYSIS, developed by director of Montenegro Seismological Observatory Prof. Branislav Glavatovic, is used for the routine analysis of digital seismograms and processing of earthquake parameter data for local, regional and teleseismic events. Management of seismic signals process is performed mostly in automatic regime via 35 parametric files with many options changeable in the program. The software was developed, in the time period 1999.-2009, for Windows and Linux environment, using programming language Delphi 7 and it runs on both platforms.
   Analysis implements great number of modern solutions in numerical processing of seismic data and seismic signal filtering including: focal mechanism solution, generation of earthquake report in form of alert message and sending that message to specific e-mail addresses, automatic creating and sending e-mail message for press media that contains short textual report and map with epicenter location, web page generating and web site refreshment, preparation of seismological bulletins and catalogues with earthquakes data and other features.