Organisation of Sector for Seismology
Sector for Seismology is organized in two departments:
• Department for instrumental and engineering seismology responsible for recording of seismic data for earthquakes in Montenegro and its surroundings, technical maintenance of seismic and GPS instruments on all stations in seismological network, calibrating of seismographs and accelerographs, upgrading of equipment for acquisition of seismic data, processing and maintenance of database of digital accelerograms, processing of macroseismic data for strong and catastrophic earthquakes, determination of seismic hazard elements etc.
• Department for seismic data analysis and processing in charge for couple levels of automatic acquisition of seismic signals generated by earthquakes and explosions, modern numerical and graphical analysis and processing of seismic and GPS data, quantification of parameters for actual and historical seismicity in Montenegro, seismotectonic interpretation of seismic data, focal mechanism solutions for stronger earthquakes in region, seismological database maintenance, modernization of methods and computer programs for seismic and geodynamic analysis, publishing and exchange of seismic data etc.
Deputy director
Sector of Hydrography, Oceanography and Seismology
Head of Department for seismic data analysis and processing
Nada Hajdukovic