Virtual network of the Montenegro Seismological Observatory includes more than 90 seismic stations: stations of Montenegrin National Seismic Network (ME) and selected seismic stations of other institutions from European countries. SeisComP3 is used for real-time data acquisition and exchange with collaborating seismological centers. Data flow to/from networks: MN (MedNet), SL (Slovenia), IV (Italy), RS (Republic of Srpska), RO (Romania), BS (Bulgaria), KV (Kosovo), CR (Croatia), SJ (Serbia), HT (Greece), AC (Albania) and MK (Macedonia).
For real-time exchange, all Montenegrin seismic stations are on the Internet: PDG, BEY, BRY, HCY, ULC, PLE, PVY, BUM, NKY, NKME, UPM, DRME, CEME and KOME. A two-way automatic analysis of seismic waveforms is performed. One is done by SMART Quake® (Geotech Instruments, Dallas, TX) and the other by SeisComP3 (GFZ, Potsdam, Germany). The manual analysis is performed on daily basis using the software Analysis (B.Glavatovic, Montenegro Seismological Observatory, Montenegro).